Saturday, May 18, 2013

Real Life With A Large Dose Of Imagination

Grindelia squarrosa, Curlycup Gumweed

When it come to photography it is hard not change real life to something, well fanciful that sparks my imagination. This lovely Gumweed suffered the same fate that much of my photography does. A normal picture with a 'lemon twist'. My husband Tom and I have taken up the hobby of photography. It has been about a year and a half now and it is not really just photography, but photo editing. Perhaps it is the 'ooo's and ahhh's' of just what you can do with a  photo and a few hours of work on the computer, the excitement of learning something new, and for me trying to match the creation to my imagination. Not always easy, but fun.
My husband Tom is a real wiz when it comes to the computer. I am the one with the creative imagination and it takes more learning and practice for me on the editing, but I am learning. When we mix the his computer savvy and my imagination together we get some beautiful, funny, amazing, and just plain weird stuff.

Weird Stuff , Betsy In The The Floor Of The Old  Greenhouse

This often brings up the philosophical conversation of who owns the creative effort. The software writer that creates the editing software. The company that pays them? How about the makers of the camera and all of it's amazing features or the photographer who snaps the shot? How about that one 15 year old nerdy guy who wrote that 'really groovy' open source G'mic program in his basement just for fun. I know the law has to define all of these things so we don't squabble and hurt each other over who owns what, but it is fun to think about. Perhaps that Higher Power of my understanding or maybe the fact that really does 'take a village' to exist. What ever the case it is here for us to enjoy.

Longs Peak, View From Our Porch

Sometimes it is nice to take a photograph and not change it too much, but now that we are 'photographers' I am more critical of the images and could comment what needs to be better. The view of Longs Peak is nice but the image is not crisp enough. This was an early picture, I hope I am improving. Getting better at matching up my imagination and desire to what I want to create. I just need to learn the new camera. A Canon EOS Rebel T3I, relying on those who built and designed to create better images to start with.  Thanks Guys!!! Now perhaps I can get a better shot.........

Roller Furling,  A Crisper Shot (Better Camera?)

or do we now need the next bigger badder camera and glass, hmm. Until next time!